USE THE CODE betty249 at and get a .COM Domain for only $2.49! Let's face it. Mom can be difficult to shop for. And with Mother's Day fast approaching, you may be wondering, "What can I get for Mom that will be different AND show her I really care?" Well, how about a .COM … [Read more...]
What to Eat on Cinco de Mayo
Do I really need to tell you to eat Guacamole and drink margaritas on Cinco de Mayo? It's not likely, considering the California Avocado Commission estimates that more than 87 million pounds of avocados will be consumed during this year's festivities. Hopefully, for employers everywhere, a little … [Read more...]
Average Betty on the SoCal Restaurant Show
Lights! Camera-- er-- Microphone! Radio Waves! Admittedly, I watched too much WKRP in Cincinnati when I was a kid. I couldn't get enough Dr. Johnny Fever and thought Jennifer Marlowe had to be the prettiest woman on television. So when I got the opportunity to co-host the SoCal Restaurant Show … [Read more...]
Top Chef Antonia Lofaso – Address Your Heart
I recently caught up with Top Chef Antonia Lofaso, author of The Busy Mom's Cookbook, on her Satellite Media Tour for Campbell's Address Your Heart campaign for American Heart Month. We have a few moments to talk heart health, Valentine’s Day and I can't resist asking about mussels and … [Read more...]
Favorite Football Party Recipes
It's almost hard to believe that Super Bowl Sunday is still second to Thanksgiving when it comes to food consumption in the US. I mean, people at least seem more dignified on Thanksgiving. More focused. Super Bowl party food is all over the place. And instead of calories masquerading as a … [Read more...]
Ankle Snaps. Baked to be broken. There is no denying that cutout cookies require more effort than drop cookies. And there is also no denying that a gingerbread man tells a better story than a snickerdoodle. Especially when those gingerbread men are defensive basketball players that come in at the … [Read more...]
Average Betty + Idaho Potato Win Taste Award
Average Betty was thrilled to take home the honor of Best Branded Video Campaign for our work with the Idaho Potato Commission at the 4th Annual Taste Awards on Thursday, January 17, 2013 at the historic Vibiana in Downtown Los Angeles. Chef Jet Tila and The Charleston Restaurant & Gastrolounge … [Read more...]
Black Friday Survival Snacks
I've lost my voice. Not figuratively, literally. And this blog was supposed to be a vlog. If I was able to speak, you'd hear that smirky, satirical quality in my voice that lets you know these thoughts are intended for comedic purposes and therefore, you wouldn't dream of doing this stuff in real … [Read more...]
Average Betty Nominated for 3 Taste Awards!
Average Betty is nominated for 3 Taste Awards! I always say that 3 is my lucky number, but I'm going to need a lot more than luck to bring home another Taste Award. I need your vote before 5 PM PT, November 27, 2012!! Please VOTE for Average Betty in these 2 Viewer's Choice Categories: … [Read more...]
Cultivating Monster Appreciation for Famous Idaho Potatoes
I went on a trip to Idaho to see the Potato Harvest in all its glory. I came home with one very Monstrous Potato and a truckload of awareness about America's favorite unassuming tuber. For starters, did you know that each of us consumes about 140 pounds of potatoes per year? I didn't travel … [Read more...]
Just Your Average UCLA Alumna
Read the complete article: Not Your Average Dish -- UCLA Magazine online. U.C.L.A. Fight! Fight! Fight! The first time UCLA came into my life, I was living in Florida and it was 1984. A silly song by comedienne Julie Brown called "Cause I'm a Blonde" was all over the radio. I was just a little … [Read more...]
SPUD HUB! – Idaho Potato Recipe Roundup
I've done some cool things in my life. I graduated from UCLA. I had a brief conversation with which resulted in him hugging me. I've held onto a mechanical bull for an unprecedented amount of time in front of all my friends. I've hiked to the top of Half Dome and I've even been … [Read more...]
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