WATCH THE VIDEO! If you see this pot a-crockin', better come a-knockin'! If you have ever dreamed of an Italian Grandmother working her magic in the kitchen while you are {insert other thing you are doing here} you may be in need of Crock Pot Lasagna. Mama Mia! If you use store bought sauce … [Read more...]
Snowball Cupcakes Video
You know those people that score the winning touchdown in their high school championship game and brag talk about it for the rest of their lives? Well, I might be that person when it comes to my Snowball Cupcakes. My victory didn't happen in high school, rather the holiday season of 2010 at the … [Read more...]
Mashed Potato Party Video
Mashed Potatoes are the manna that holds holiday meals together. And what could be better than Mashed Potatoes made three ways with three different varieties of Famous Idaho Potatoes? Sara teams up with Nicole Presley from for a MASHED POTATO MARTINI PARTY! Even better than all … [Read more...]
Mashed Potatoes – Three Ways!
WATCH THE VIDEO! Whether it's a Russet, Rose or Gold Dust potato, Nicole Presley and I have the recipes and tips for you! Nicole shares a lower-fat Rose Mashed Potato flavored with chicken broth and garlic and I've got a classic Buttermilk Mashed Potato just ready for a pool of gravy. But the … [Read more...]
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies Video
Nothing fires people up like a little controversy. And with the election fast approaching, well, let's just say, controversy is in overdrive. And while you might imagine that an innocent plate of Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies are one of the least controversial things to bring to a … [Read more...]
Monster Potato Video
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When the Idaho Potato Commission gives you a two pound Monster Potato, bake it up and stuff it full of goodness! Watch the MONSTER POTATO video to see me bake up the MONSTER and catch a few highlights from my trip to Idaho for the Potato Harvest. … [Read more...]
How to Make Buttermilk Pancakes Video
Let's face it... a big stack of Buttermilk Pancakes isn't an everyday kinda breakfast. In fact, it really shouldn't be an every week kinda breakfast. Buttermilk Pancakes topped with butter and syrup are a special occasion, or as I like to say, Weekend Breakfast. And hey, if it's the weekend, … [Read more...]
Just Your Average UCLA Alumna
Read the complete article: Not Your Average Dish -- UCLA Magazine online. U.C.L.A. Fight! Fight! Fight! The first time UCLA came into my life, I was living in Florida and it was 1984. A silly song by comedienne Julie Brown called "Cause I'm a Blonde" was all over the radio. I was just a little … [Read more...]
Cheesy Potato Biscuits Video
The biscuits with the cheese all up in 'em! You know when you go out to eat and the bread basket arrives? You peek inside the basket and there they are. Those savory, cheesy biscuits you can't stop eating? Well, now you can make those irresistible biscuits in the safety comfort of your own … [Read more...]
How to Make Quick and Easy Waffles Video
Waffles take a little extra effort than pancakes – well, because they require a waffle maker. So, if you don't have a waffle iron and you want to make waffles from scratch, heading over to Bed Bath and Beyond with a 20% off coupon will be your first step. If you already have a waffle … [Read more...]
Quick and Easy Waffles Recipe
It's funny to call these waffles Quick and Easy because in comparison to my weekday breakfast, they are quite a bit of work. But in reality, when it's the weekend and time to make waffles, shouldn't you really do it right? These waffles take nothing more than a bowl, a few ingredients that you … [Read more...]
How to Make French Onion Dip Video
French Onion Dip was really popular in the eighties and it deserves a comeback way more than high-waisted pants and leg warmers. So put on your parachute pants and learn How to Make French Onion Dip from scratch! French Onion Dip Recipe Caramelized Onions Recipe … [Read more...]