There was a shotgun wedding in Las Vegas, October 14-16, 2010 at Mandalay Bay. No, not mine, silly. BlogWorld and TECHmunch hooked up for the first time and, well, I saw fireworks! Babette Pepaj of Bakespace-TECHmunch energized BlogWorld with a slick Jenn-Air kitchen on the convention floor, hosting … [Read more...]
Show Me Your Animal Fries?
I was curious about the Animal Fries rumored to be on the In-N-Out Secret Menu. I heard about them but had yet to see them. I checked the In-N-Out website and found the Animal Style burger, but nothing about fries. I started to wonder who would really eat these anyway if these alleged $4 fries … [Read more...]
Average Betty’s Burger Blog: In-N-Out
Behold the In-N-Out Double Double. Marvel at the melting cheese and glistening meat. Imagine the crescendo of flavor bursting out between the soft buns. Admire the freshly cut, piping hot mound of fries. This, my friends, is the stuff burger joint dreams are made of. I found myself at an … [Read more...]
Jalapeno POP Burger Video
When Dad makes his special Father's Day dinner request, you can bet the farm it's not going to be salad. Nope. Dad probably wants some meat! And if your Dad likes it spicy, I have the perfect recipe: The Jalapeno POP Burger! How do I know your Dad will love the Jalapeno Pop Burger? Check out the … [Read more...]
Jalapeno POP Burger Recipe
Click here for printer-friendly recipe! What's your perfect burger? HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Chances are, Dad is going to want some meat this Father's Day. All the Fathers in my life will, anyway. And if your Dad has a taste for heat, this burger will set Father's Day ablaze! And don't forget: … [Read more...]
Bam-a-Lamb Burger
Leave a comment. Mary may have had a Little Lamb, but Betty had a gigantic Lamb Burger! Betty's latest adventure takes her to Nob Hill in San Francisco to meet award-winning Executive Chef Gloria Ciccarone-Nehls of Big 4 Restaurant at the Huntington Hotel. Chef Gloria gives Betty an exclusive … [Read more...]
Bam-a-Lamb Burger Video
Award-winning Executive Chef Gloria Ciccarone-Nehls of Big 4 Restaurant at the Huntington Hotel gives Betty an exclusive demonstration of her Moroccan Spiced Lamb Burger right in the Big 4 kitchen! Betty also sits down at the piano with Big 4 Lounge pianist, Michael Parsons, and gets … [Read more...]
Fast Food Five: NATPE 2009
Leave a comment. It seems when President Barack Obama does anything it's newsworthy. And how he orders his burger is no exception. On his first unofficial flight aboard Air Force One, President Obama was presented a leather-bound menu. He briefly glanced at it and said, "We'll see how you guys … [Read more...]
Mad Mini-Burgers
According to American folklore, one can measure the state of the economy by the length of ladies' skirts; the shorter the skirt, the worse the economy. It's questionable whether or not this holds true in the current economy, which is rather bleak unless your name is Warren Buffet or you're a Web … [Read more...]
Mad Mini-Burgers (video)
Betty's not much of an economist, but she's all over mini-burgers! And when her favorite mad-crazy financial analyst, Betty Cramer, pimps mini-burgers, she sees an opportunity to help stimulate the economy with her mini-burger recipe! Will Betty's mini-burgers provide the juice our ailing economy … [Read more...]
Mad Mini-Burgers (recipe)
Click for printer-friendly version! Ingredients for Mad Mini-Burgers: Bun: baguette (Betty used sourdough) butter or spray oil finely grated Parmesan cheese Patty: ground meat of your choice (1/2 pound of extra-lean ground beef made 10 mini-burgers) cheese of your choice … [Read more...]