WATCH THE VIDEO! I don't really need an excuse to celebrate Grilled Cheese, but as long as there is a food holiday to blame, why not? April is Grilled Cheese Month and April 12th is Grilled Cheese Day. Seriously. An entire Month and a whole Day devoted to all things toasted and cheese. … [Read more...]
Put An Egg On It!
Put an egg on it! What's your favorite food to top with an egg? Are eggs FBO (for breakfast only) or will you try the incredible edible on anything, at any time of the day? Eggs are no yolking matter... Do you like them cooked through or better yet scrambled? Does a runny yolk have you running … [Read more...]
Goodness Gracious They’re Gluten-Free
Here are my picks for the 5 Best Gluten-Free Recipe Websites. Do you have favorites? Leave them in the comments. Resources: Recipe Renovator, Gluten-Free Doctor, Cooking on the Weekends, Gluten-Free Goddess, Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef Don't miss a video! SUBSCRIBE to my channel on … [Read more...]
Leave Britney’s Shopping List Alone
Everyone has a dirty little secret, right? OK. Well, almost everyone. My dirty little secret is that I love watching TMZ. The television show. And sometimes I even check out the website. It's like local news here in Los Angeles, so I can't be alone. And discovering Britney Spears' shopping … [Read more...]
I'll be LIVE on #KitchenParty this evening! Come hang out with Babette Pepaj, Jeff Houck, Rene Lynch and Douglas E. Welch and me! 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific on Thursday, January 31st We'll be talking everything Super Bowl XLVII! The good, the bad and the all-important: How to Avoid an … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Ruin a Super Bowl Party
WATCH THE VIDEO! The kegerator fire last year was an accident. And how could you have prevented the bee swarm? Sometimes things go wrong at parties that can't be prevented. But plenty of things go wrong at parties that CAN. Watch 7 Ways to Ruin a Super Bowl Party and learn 7 completely … [Read more...]
Food Trends of 2013 DECODED
The hot food trends of 2013 may not seem that bizarre to food-obsessed Americans that have already exhausted the hashtag #MeatlessMonday, but to the average eater, hearing that popcorn will be an emerging flavor profile for 2013 can be pretty confusing. Fortunately for you, average eater, I am … [Read more...]
The World’s BEST Burger?
CLICK HERE to watch The World's BEST Burger! at Babble's Family Kitchen. Is there anything more American than the cheeseburger? Simmer down, Apple Pie. I haven't forgotten you. When I think, "backyard barbecue," I think burgers. When I think, "road trip," I think burgers. In fact, I don't … [Read more...]
Olympic Dessert Time!
CLICK HERE to watch Olympic Dessert Time at Babble's Family Kitchen. I love the Olympics. Especially the Summer Olympics. I want to absorb every minute of the Olympics, even if it means watching coverage on the Today Show. And I've learned that American desserts have bad names... Head … [Read more...]
One Sharp Knife Tip Video
Is it a knife skill? Or a life skill? This is the kind of simple, common sense tip that seems almost silly to share. But, the magnitude of the No-Duh Moment that accompanies this advice is too overwhelming to ignore. In fact, I've shared this tip in a blog post before. The response was so … [Read more...]
Guess Who’s Going Out to Dinner?
CLICK HERE to watch Dinner With Strangers at Babble's Family Kitchen. Social Dining Service. Yes, you read that correctly. If you haven't been able to arrange dinner parties with people using Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare and Google+, have no fear. There's a new kind of social networking … [Read more...]
Mile High Snack Club
CLICK HERE to watch MILE HIGH SNACKS at Babble's Family Kitchen. Not really like that other club. More like a club sandwich. What's the least offensive thing to eat on a plane? What's the most offensive? I once sat on a flight from Las Vegas to Los Angeles next to a girl eating a chili dog. … [Read more...]