WATCH THE VIDEO! I'm not saying that YOU need this... but here's a gentle reminder to give the gift of good table manners this holiday season. And because I'm no expert, I consulted Emily Post's Top 10 Table Manners and put together this handy guide, to make it easy for you to remember. Even … [Read more...]
WATCH THE VIDEO! Internet... there's a little someone I'd like you to meet. Keep it classy. #babybetty What?! You missed this? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Watch the Oatmeal Apple Muffins Video. Get the Oatmeal Apple Muffins Recipe. Missed the other Baby Update … [Read more...]
Don’t Sniff the Baby!
WATCH THE VIDEO! I've been reading the internet again and here's some strange news that may make getting that baby weight off even more tricky. Just what every expectant mother wants to hear, right? Tomato Lentils are a healthy recipe for expectant Moms -- or anyone! Missed the other Baby … [Read more...]
Slower Fast Food at the Drive Thru?
WATCH THE VIDEO Is three minutes really too long to wait? When I read about the latest research on Fast Food Drive Thru times, I was a little surprised. Do you know the average wait at a Fast Food Drive Thru is 3 minutes and one second? And that has gotten slower since last year. I don't know … [Read more...]
Top 5 Fall Food Favorites
WATCH THE VIDEO! Fall will arrive on Sunday and I couldn't be happier. Often, I am sad to see the sandals and shorts of Summer go... But, this year, being 9 months pregnant, I can't wait to greet cooler Fall temperatures with open arms and a big sloppy wet kiss. And neither can my … [Read more...]
WATCH THE VIDEO! Do I fit the stereotype of crazy pregnant woman that craves pickles and ice cream at midnight? Have I become pregzilla with bizarre food requests... or not? Watch the video to get the latest on my Baby Food Cravings! Pregnant or not - what are your food cravings? Here's a … [Read more...]
Oh, choosing a baby name! As they say, there's a lot in a name. After all... you and the baby have to live with it for the rest of your lives. But, choosing a baby name is just the first in a long line of decisions. Did you suggest a baby name for our little betty? Here are my thoughts on … [Read more...]
As you may already know, I made a Little VERY BIG Announcement a couple weeks ago. Thanks to all of you who played along and made guesses as to whether I'm having a BOY or a BETTY. Well, the wait is over to find out... Watch the video! Don't miss a video... SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE! … [Read more...]
The Secret is Out on Secret Menus
WATCH THE VIDEO Are you good at keeping secrets? Secrets are great when you're in on them, but when you're not... you can feel more than a little left out. And for me, that goes double for a restaurant. Have you ever dined at a restaurant only to find out later that there are secret menu … [Read more...]
A Little Very Big Announcement!
I have a little announcement to make! Well, actually it's a really big announcement... Watch the video! Don't miss a video... SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE! * * UPDATE: It's always a thrill to be retweeted by the LA Times and our little bundle of joy doesn't even have a twitter … [Read more...]
Crazy for Food Photos
WATCH THE VIDEO Do you take photos of your food? Do you want to remember those short ribs and share that sorbet? Well, experts think you might be crazy for food photos. Smartphones and social media have made it easier than ever to have friends enjoy a meal with you. Thanks to Instagram, … [Read more...]
Men vs. Women – Who’s Cooking in Your Kitchen?
Men vs. Women! I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. I not only cook almost all of our meals, but I produce this little online cooking show you may be familiar with. Ironically, my kitchen is also one of the smallest rooms in my house, but that's another vlog. The jaw-dropping statistics in … [Read more...]
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