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I was shopping at Trader Joe’s and looking forward to my complimentary coffee a bit more than usual. As I pumped coffee into the small paper cup, I noticed the free food sample being served up was Mac n Cheese Bites. Well, this I had to taste. I know they’ve been around awhile, but I’d never actually had one.
Maybe two wrongs do make a right?
Like many things insanely wrong and delicious, Mac n Cheese Bites have a breadcrumb trail leading to Paula Deen. I had a little leftover Mac n Cheese, so I thought I’d concoct a batch of Mac n Cheese Bites and share them with you– in case you’ve never had them either. And just a word of caution, Mac n Cheese Bites will definitely land you on the Naughty List.
Ingredients for Mac n Cheese Bites:
leftover Mac n Cheese
1 egg
1 tbsp cold water
1/4 cup flour
salt & pepper
oil for frying
NOTES: I had about 1 1/2 cups of leftover Mac n Cheese and was able to make about one dozen Bites. You must use leftover Mac n Cheese so that the bites will hold their shape. You may like to add other seasonings to the batter, like cayenne pepper, garlic or hot sauce. Consider serving with Ranch Dressing, Cajun Mustard or Hot Sauce.
Make the bites. Portion leftover macaroni and cheese into tablespoon sized “bites” on a baking sheet. Place sheet in the freezer while oil is heating.
Make the batter. In a bowl combine egg, water and flour. Add other seasonings if desired. Beat until smooth and the consistency of pancake batter. Dip chilled mac n cheese balls into batter and coat.
Fry Mac n Cheese Bites till golden and crisp. Drain on paper towels. Season with sea salt (or other spices, herbs).
Serve piping hot with or without dipping sauces. Naughty, naughty!
Want another leftover Mac n Cheese recipe? Try BBQ Chicken Mac n Cheese Pizza!
Search terms: how to make mac n cheese bites, mac n cheese bites recipe, macaroni bites recipe, macaroni and cheese balls, homemade mac n cheese bites, fun appetizer recipes, party recipes, crazy recipes,
I’ve never had fried mac n cheese but almost anything is good fried – right? :)
I made these some time ago for my son, the fried food king! Yep he knows all about the list :) Great recipe regardless. And yep, I’ll make ’em again!
Oooohh!!!! You’re gonna send me to hell!
I’m making these.
O MY!!!!!!! i was just on your website and this showed up and ooooooooooooooooooooooo these look sooooooooooooooo yummy, im making these this weekend!!!!!! :) c u soon xoxo <3
Woo Hoo Kee-Pain! How did I know you’d be a sucker for Mac n Cheese Bites!?! Hope to see you soon :)
Okay, so I have been looking for a recipe for macaroni and cheese bites for months! We went to a restaurant called Rooster’s (if you’ve never been there, you should!) and my ever-so-picky 2 year old son LOVED them. I’m so excited to try this and see if he still likes it. :-)
Haha, Rachelle! Your son has impeccable taste! I sure hope he loves them too — let me know!
Would it be possible to bake it in the oven rather than deep fry in grease?
Hi Kim, I haven’t tried it — if you do, let me know how it goes.
i just tried it and didnt like it too much with the flour batter. I substituted pancake mix for the flour and egg, and it tasted 10 times better.
I’m happy you expressed your feelings just the way you did. I don’t keep pancake mix at my house.