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Savory Corn Fritters with Grilled Shrimp and Mashed Avocado! The plate pictured above is one of my all-time favorite meals. The first time I had this combination of flavors, the shrimp was actually lobster and it was a very special occasion. So, I guess you could say this is really the Average Betty recollection of the best meal I ever ate! Tips for grilled shrimp and mashed avocado included in this recipe!
Ingredients for Betty’s Savory Corn Fritter:
2 cobs corn (about 1 1/2 cups kernels)
1/4 cup diced green onion
1/4 cup diced red bell pepper
1-2 tablespoons seeded, diced jalapeno
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
2 beaten eggs
(up to) 1/2 cup flour
few cracks black pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
pinch salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar/honey (optional)
You can use either fresh or frozen corn for this recipe. You may choose to roast or grill the corn as I do, but it’s not really necessary. If using corn on the cob, remove husks and silks and rub corn with olive oil, black pepper and sea salt. Place on a hot grill and “roast” until caramelized. TIP: If using kernels, “roast” in a skillet with a little olive oil, salt and pepper until caramelized. Remove cooled, roasted corn from ears. You should have about 1 1/2 cups kernels. If you have more or less, adjust seasonings and flour accordingly. Reduce egg by half if working with 3/4 cup kernels or less.
In a bowl combine roasted corn, green onion, red bell pepper, jalapeno and cilantro. Stir in beaten eggs. Add 1/4 cup flour and stir. Add only as much flour is needed to hold ingredients together, up to 1/2 cup. Season with black pepper, garlic powder, cayenne pepper and salt. Add sugar or honey if desired. Heat olive oil in a skillet to medium. Pan should be hot, but not so hot the fritters will darken too quickly. Drop spoonfuls of batter to make fritters. Cook slowly over medium heat until golden brown, crisp and cooked through. Allow to drain on paper towels. Serve piping hot. Makes about 8 fritters.
Tips on Shrimp:
For simplicity, I use raw, tail-on, jumbo, deveined shrimp. Season shrimp with olive oil, garlic powder, parsley, black pepper and cumin. Shrimp cook quickly on a hot grill. About two minutes a side, yo. Toss grilled shrimp with a generous squeeze of lemon and a tiny bit of butter.
Mashed Avocado:
Mash about 1/4 avocado per person. Season with a little salt, pepper and diced tomato. I prefer to keep the “guacamole” simple because there is so much flavor in the fritter!
For an extra hearty meal, serve with a side of black beans.
Search terms: betty #42, unicorn fritters, unicorn fritter recipe, corn fritters, corn fritters recipe, savory corn fritter recipe, side-dish recipe, grilled shrimp recipe, summertime recipe, corn recipe, different side dish recipe, san francisco recipe, tex-mex recipe
Link to the Betty the Unicorn Fritter video.
Link to the accompanying Betty the Unicorn Fritter blog post.
What a great looking meal! Love the fritters and shrimp!
I can’t wait to try this recipe. I have all the ingredients but its late, so, it’ll have to be tomorrow. I even have the avocado but I’ll have to pick up the scrimps before I do the rest. It all looks fabulous.
Hi Betty,
I tried these out the other day they were yum,my guest loved them as a desert.
I shaped them as a unicorn
yum yum
I love this website
Holly uk
You rock my world! You’ve tried so many of my recipes… it really just makes me want to sing. I’m so happy you’ve had no issues with measurements or ingredients (being in the UK) and that you are enjoying the tastes… I would be thrilled to have you shoot a couple photos next time so I can put them on the homeage.
Unicorn shaped Unicorn Fritters? Loves it!
Dear Betty
I was wondering how you turn these fritters in to unicorn fritters?
Many Thanks
Hi Row!
You know, I’m not sure… but my gal Holly (from the 4th) comment may be able to offer some advice.
Because the batter is similar to a chunky pancake batter, I imagine you could use a pancake mold…
I call them Unicorn Fritters because of the video I created for this recipe. It is a spoof of Charlie the Unicorn:
Let me know if you have any success turning the fritters into a Unicorn shape and send me pictures!!
Hi Betty
I’m new to your website, my sister highly recommends it. I’ve seen these Fritters and would love to try them but I do not know what cilantro is? I’m also a little confused by the measurements, how do I measure a cup in oz/grams or ml.
Thanks so muchfor your help.
Your new fan. Elly
Hi Elly! So happy Row turned you on to my site! She’s the best!
Cilantro is the leaves of Coriander seed. It’s also known as Chinese parsley… here is a link that might help:
1 cup = 3.505 ounces or 100.8 grams
Here is a nifty little converter I found (be sure to select the item you want converted such as flour from the pull down menu):
I’m always here to help… let me know if you have any more questions and I always love photos of your food creations :)
Hi Elly,
Thanks for joining the site and what a good question.
The Convert me site really helps.
Love ya
love you all
I love the love-fest!! Thanks, ladies :) Love y’all!
i saw this recipe on youtube and it looked quick&tasty so i tried it out with my mom!! it is SOOOO GOOD! everyone loved it. i am definitley trying some of your other recipes.
thanks a lot,
Hi Bri!
Wow! Thanks for coming over from YouTube and trying my recipe with your Mom! How cool is that? Did you eat the corn fritters alone or as a side dish?
If you try something else, take a picture for me… I’ll put it on my homepage :)
Hi Betty,
This has to be my favourite recipe of all time! Originally found you on video jug and this is now my ultimate picker upper when I’ve had a bad day.
Thanks a million!
Hi chrystal!
I’m so glad you found me on Video Jug and have come over to my site! I love that the corn fritters are a “pick me up” after a long day! If it works for you – I could sure use one after the week I’ve had! LOL. Thank you for dropping by :)
thank you betty
YAY! You found it! Hope you like em… let me know :)
Hi there,
My colleagues and I do a monthly iron chef challenge where the ingredient is revealed the night before and then you show up at the judge’s house the next day to compete! This month, the secret ingredient was corn! I decided to participate at the last moment, and googled corn recipes–thereby stumbling across this one! I decided to make this with what I already had in the house–frozen corn, fresh tomatoes and chives from the garden, canned jalapenos–and they were awesome!
I also topped them with a sour cream-base sauce that had siracha and lime juice in it, along with some more fresh chives and tomatoes. Man, they were awesome! I didn’t win :( (I got beat by some home-made veggie sushi made from mango wrappers) but everybody really enjoyed them!
Thanks for the recipe!
Hi Louisa, What a fun challenge you and your colleagues have! It’s so awesome that you used my corn fritter recipe in the competition… even if they didn’t win, I’m glad you all got to try something new :) Your variation with the sriracha lime sounds great! Mango sushi wrappers… Psh. LOL Thank you for writing <3
I really love your recipes here particularly your unique corn fritters recipe. I tried this and I swear it tastes soooo good.
Hi Betty im going to try your recipe in my restaurant. I saw it on the food network channel so i looked it up and it bought me to your website I will let You no how it goes. :]
Betty, this is the second recipe of yours that I have tried and I have to say it was very tasty. The fritters were good, my seven year old daughter gobbled them down and who doesn’t love shrimp! Thanks for shaking up my dinner menu:)
Elaina, That is terrific news! Shaking up dinner is what I live for… And I am so jealous!! I have yet to have corn fritters and shrimp this summer :) Thank you so much for your comment!
My vegetarian girlfriend is coming for dinner and I’m going to make these corn fritters for her. Thank you for posting this!
WooHoo Karyn! Let me know how it goes :)
Hi Betty! I made the fritters as well as the avocado and she loved it! The fritters were great, thanks again for the recipe!
I landed on your site moments ago, Betty, and it’s fun to read you and user’s comments.
If you think bell peppers would work, alone, in fritters, might there be a more flavorful grain than flour to use to enhance the flavor of peppers?
Quinoa is going to be a bit “coarse” with which to make a batter, isn’t it?
By the way, I’m more of an assembler, than a cook,” so I come up with “goofy” ideas.
Thanks for all you share with, and your interest in, others!