WATCH THE VIDEO! As you may notice, I'm a little obsessed with grilling potatoes lately. Truth be told, I'm a little obsessed with grilling everything this summer and keeping the heat outside where it belongs! Buffalo Ranch Packet Potatoes are a spicy, creamy kick-in-the-pants of potato … [Read more...]
Food Trends of 2013 DECODED
The hot food trends of 2013 may not seem that bizarre to food-obsessed Americans that have already exhausted the hashtag #MeatlessMonday, but to the average eater, hearing that popcorn will be an emerging flavor profile for 2013 can be pretty confusing. Fortunately for you, average eater, I am … [Read more...]
Buffalo Popcorn Recipe
Buffalo Popcorn is straight-up man bait. Do not leave unattended. Ingredients for Buffalo Popcorn: 8-10 cups popped popcorn 3 TBSP buffalo wing sauce 2 TBSP butter salt to taste NOTES: 1/2 cup popcorn kernels yields 8-10 cups popped popcorn. I use air-popped corn, but the old-fashioned … [Read more...]
Spicy Buffalo Chicken Wraps Video
Sorry, Fido! Bacon may be man's best friend. And wing sauce might be a close second. In fact, some men might prefer wing sauce to cuddling. So rest assured that if you show up to the Man Cave with a pile of Buffalo Chicken Wraps, you'll be sitting pretty. Watch How to Make Spicy Buffalo Chicken … [Read more...]
Buffalo Chicken Wraps Recipe
Buffalo Chicken Wraps Spicy, smokey grilled chicken with bacon, avocado and a crunchy slaw, wrapped inside a soft flour tortilla. Perfect for Super Bowl parties, tailgating and Man Caves everywhere! For added instruction and entertainment, watch the How to Make Spicy Buffalo Chicken Wraps … [Read more...]