Read the complete article: Not Your Average Dish -- UCLA Magazine online. U.C.L.A. Fight! Fight! Fight! The first time UCLA came into my life, I was living in Florida and it was 1984. A silly song by comedienne Julie Brown called "Cause I'm a Blonde" was all over the radio. I was just a little … [Read more...]
UCLA 8 Clap! Average Betty in The Daily Bruin
Read the complete article: The Daily Bruin U.C.L.A. Fight! Fight! Fight! When I was a kid, my Grandmother offered up the carrot: $10 for straight A's. My older sister got it all the time. My other siblings got the $10 prize every now and then. I finally delivered a Hamilton-worthy … [Read more...]
Sara O’Donnell and the Making of Average Betty in LA Weekly
Today is Friday the 13th. Usually that means something bad might happen. But not today. Today something very awesome happened. Thank you, Adam Gropman and LA Weekly for illustrating such a vivid picture of my career and life's work up until now. When I started Average Betty, even with all the … [Read more...]