The hot food trends of 2013 may not seem that bizarre to food-obsessed Americans that have already exhausted the hashtag #MeatlessMonday, but to the average eater, hearing that popcorn will be an emerging flavor profile for 2013 can be pretty confusing. Fortunately for you, average eater, I am … [Read more...]
Buffalo Popcorn Recipe
Buffalo Popcorn is straight-up man bait. Do not leave unattended. Ingredients for Buffalo Popcorn: 8-10 cups popped popcorn 3 TBSP buffalo wing sauce 2 TBSP butter salt to taste NOTES: 1/2 cup popcorn kernels yields 8-10 cups popped popcorn. I use air-popped corn, but the old-fashioned … [Read more...]
Mile High Snack Club
CLICK HERE to watch MILE HIGH SNACKS at Babble's Family Kitchen. Not really like that other club. More like a club sandwich. What's the least offensive thing to eat on a plane? What's the most offensive? I once sat on a flight from Las Vegas to Los Angeles next to a girl eating a chili dog. … [Read more...]
All Spice Cafe Isn’t Playing Around Over Here
Several years ago while visiting Boston, I approached a fire station and said, "Hi," to the firemen sitting on the front bumper of their truck. They noticed the camera in my hand and offered to take a photo. I happily agreed and leaned back onto the bumper between two of the heroes. Just before … [Read more...]