Watch the Super Easy Tomato Soup Video on YouTube! Super Easy Tomato Soup is also super comforting. And we can all use some super comfort now and then. Say for example, when you're in your third trimester and you've got carpal tunnel so bad you long for cankles and nausea. Just for … [Read more...]
Top 5 Fall Food Favorites
WATCH THE VIDEO! Fall will arrive on Sunday and I couldn't be happier. Often, I am sad to see the sandals and shorts of Summer go... But, this year, being 9 months pregnant, I can't wait to greet cooler Fall temperatures with open arms and a big sloppy wet kiss. And neither can my … [Read more...]
5 Favorite Fall Recipes
Today is the first day of Fall. Autumn, if you will. Summer in SoCal has been brutally hot this year and there really is no sign of cooling anytime soon. So I figure, I can conjure up some cool weather vibes just by posting some of my favorite autumnal recipes. Yeah, I said autumnal. Take … [Read more...]