Wouldn’t it be great if there was a Tooth Fairy for adults, but instead of teeth she would help with all of the other things adults lose, like keys, wallets, jewelry, mobile phones, jobs, bets, etc. Well, Betty’s about to find out that, actually, there is: The Cuckoonut Shrimp Fairy! Instead of going cuckoo searching for things you have lost, just write a note to the Cuckoonut Shrimp Fairy!
Should you write a note to the Cuckoonut Shrimp Fairy the next time you lose something? Check out The Cuckoonut Shrimp Fairy to find out for yourself…
Link to the Coconut Shrimp recipe.
Click for printer-friendly version!
Link to the accompanying The Cuckoonut Shrimp Fairy blog post.
LOL – An awesome episode as usual. I feel cheated by my toothfairy though – an iPod and a hundred bucks?? Mine has some explaining to do. Silver dollar indeed. ;)
Awesome episode as usual… thanks for the laugh and the great recipe. I’m writing to the Cuckoonut Fairy tonight with high hopes of some under my own pillow tomorrow!
Hey Russ! That’s a pretty sweet Tooth Fairy! All my Tooth Fairy ever brought was braces!
Thanks for the love… Maybe the Cuckoonut Shrimp Fairy will bring you that iPhone?
AWESOME! – Betty delivers again. I forecast that you will one day have your own slot in primetime.
I WILL be trying this new recipe this weekend!
Thanks Betty, and Cuckoonut Fairy!
Jerry, you ROCK! Let me know how the shrimp turns out… hope you don’t get your pillow greasy ;)
Great recipe! Great video! Rachael who? This is the kind of dish that one usually only gets when dinning out. If I pull these puppies out at the next family get together everyone will flip. I am going to practice this weekend. And I hope I’m not being to forward if I say ” nice coconut costume”? Everybody’s thinking it, I just had to say it. Thank you, keep up the good work, I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Excellent recipe and fun costume. I made some and they turned out great. But I kind of freaked everyone out when I wore the costume.
Hey N Tony! Awesome! Thanks for letting me know how the shrimp came out… and don’t worry, I think I freaked out a few people when I wore that costume too ;)
I didn’t like the Cuckonut Fairy’s outfit.
Sorry, L…
I can’t expect to please everyone :(
Greetings from London.
Average betty. You are onehot babe.
Love that outfit
Greetings to you DrL! All the way from London? You must be exhausted… come in, put your feet up and let me get you something to drink ;)
I love the fairy’s outfit and I was wondering what would happen if I kissed her. Would I turn into a handsome coconut prince?
HI Larry!
Hmmmm… I wonder as well. Hopefully whatever happened, the coconut prince would not have to wear the coconut outfit!
There are some very funny “deleted scenes” of the Cuckoonut Shrimp Fairy! Turns out she was the one that stole Bedroom Betty’s necklace! But alas, it was deleted. Gotta get those together in an episode!
Thanks, for droppin’ in, Larry :)
Of course the outfit was hot, but so is the recipe – which is why there were 700K + hits. I gotta try it – the recipe that is. My favorite part was hubby doing the voiceover for Vangina. Speaking of voices, the room reverb is distracting on the narrative. Try using some sound dampening material around the set, or close mic technique. I know it’s “averavge” Betty, but I’d prefer to focus on what you’re saying than on the sound of the room.
Now back to the kitchen!
Hey KishFish! Thanks for the props on the show!! Sorry about the reverb, but you’ve got it… I’m doing the best I can with what I got! Hopefully a little funding will change production quality. I do think we are continuing to improve the sound (maybe check a more recent episode) but I know, we could always do better ;)
This actually isn’t the shrimp episode with all the views (you’d think so with the Cuckoonut Shrimp Fairy’s outfit – oh my!) but it’s The Perfect Shrimp??? which can be found here: http://www.averagebetty.com/?p=55
I’m in Hawaii right now and I am SO enjoying all the fresh seafood I can handle…
Hope your holidays are off to a great start!
Why did you get rid of the video for protection? I miss that video!
I don’t get it, why was the video removed?