Betty rallies Evan Kleiman, Richard Blais, Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger in a Celebrity Chef Edition of the Fast Food Five at NATPE in Las Vegas.
Link to the Thai-Mexican Rolls w/ Peanut Dipping Sauce recipe.
Click here for printer-friendly recipe!
Link to the Fast Food Five: NATPE 2009 Part One video.
Link to Fusion Fast Food Five blog post.
Betty’s using Zunavision! Zunavision enables content creators like Betty to dynamically insert offers and sponsorship relevant to the audience without shouting about it or interrupting the show. The in-video GoDaddy coupon codes featured in the video above were inserted using Zunavision… and those Betty coupon codes can save you some jack!
I think the short woman did the best. I thought cheese for single and that energy drink for monster.
Hey Barb! Susan may have done the best… she’s not that short though, I’m standing on a box! Heehee!
hey that was fun to watch! and thanks for the coupons. :)
Sa-weet BMW! So happy you’ll be using my coupon codes :)
At this time I can’t watch any Average Betty videos.If it is my computer,it will sleep with the fish!
where are all the funny videos i love???
still luv ya LOTS but i like the vids like “hummmmus” and “mad mini-burgers” better :I
luv ya so much Tween Betty
Hi Scott,
Not sure why you can’t watch AB videos… they are just embedded YouTube videos. Are you able to watch videos on YouTube?
Hiya Tween Betty!
Yeah, I’m with you! I hope to get back to making my regular “silly” videos soon too!! Hope you’ll be able to star in another one sometime soon too!
Love ya, Aunt Betty