The FCC is all over Betty like spandex on 80’s rockers and is threatening to ban Fajquitos! Not to fear! Betty’s brought in School Teacher Betty to help explain the origin and proper phonetics of Fajquitos to help get the FCC off Betty’s back! But maybe that wasn’t such a hot idea…
Link to the Fajquitos recipe.
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Link to the accompanying Fajquitos: Toma Dos blog post.
I just found your site today. I must say it is very entertaining. I’ll be back soon.
Thank you,
Hi Mike! So happy you found me… and very happy to hear I’ve entertained you! If you have any recipes you’d like me to try… send them my way and I’ll see what I (or one of us Betties) can do!
Average you say? HA!! Anything but! How about AWSOME Betty; AMAZING Betty; or my favorite- Totally hot, talented, entertaining, witty, fun, good cookin’ Betty? Keep em’ comming, I’m hooked. I made ome Faquito’s and they were great. Before long you will have everyone saying “Rachel who?”.
Wow Paul! A girl could get an awfully BIG head listening to that kind of talk! Thanks for the sweet, sweet words…
I am really excited to hear you tried Fajquitos! Now that’s HOT!
Hi Betty!…
Yes, ‘Betty’ is not only beautiful but she is smart, fun and nice too. It’s true…. I’ve met the real Betty. It was great to meet you in Las Vegas a while back. Just wanted you to know that I really was inspired. The day we got back we were thinking… shrimp sounded good… and I looked up your site for shrimp and there it was- a recipe that was easy to throw together, tasted great, and I did have everything on hand (except the cucumbers, but details, details), even though we had just gotten back from vacation.
Vacation that is in Las Vegas. With Betty. In a bikini…. BTW, the real Betty is very Real; she is adventurous and went down the waterslide several times.
We LOVE your productions! They are so entertaining… they have so much thought put into them. And swimsuits apparently. And we thought we were special.
Carolyn / Carrie Rodriguez
Hey! This is great! I’m glad I met you, otherwise I probably would not have found your videos. You two do a great job, keep it up.
Hey Carrie! It is so great to hear from you – that was a fun time in Vegas and I think you witnessed the onset of my hot-tub/ water-slide addiction! I’d elaborate, but what happens in Vegas…
I am so happy you tried The Perfect Shrimp??? – and you liked them! If you have any recipe ideas I’d love to hear them!
Guess you recognize the bikini, eh?
Hey Vu!! It was great to meet you last night too! You can count on more silly Betty episodes coming soon :)
Hey! Love your videos on veoh and your website is cool as well. I can’t wait to see your next video in store for us fans. Take care and keep em coming.
Hey Sierra! I love Veoh too! Some of the best quality on the internet – I am so glad you found me there… I can’t wait to get the next video out to ya!
average women everywhere love you! i want a “workwithwatchagot” T-shirt; i can make my own but thought i’d ask. you are my new hero!
Hi jules!
I love average women everywhere! You’re right, I gotta get those T-shirts going!!!
Thanks for stopping by ;)
wow ! this is like the best net cooking how-to ever ! fun and easy to follow. i have the same suit & i duz not look quite as good on me, so props there sista. i make fajquitos with my honeybunny the other day and they turned out great ! we made all diff. fillings and salsas to pair – salsa verde was the fav. with the fajquitos. the gang loved chipotle tabasco on them too. please give us more awsome vids and how-tos ! do you have any indian dishes or new england style boils ? those are great cusines but we have no idea how to do any of them. much love to you, our goddess of quirk !