Average Betty’s about to find out the hard way that stand-up comedians are ruthless and will stop at nothing for laughs, including assaulting the paying customers. Will she survive an all-out vicious attack from the freshest talent on the comedy scene, Baja-Ha Betty? Or will Average Betty’s ego get fried to a crisp and eaten like a fish taco? Watch Baja-Ha Fish Tacos to find out…
Link to the Baja Fish Tacos recipe.
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Link to the accompanying Baja-ha Fish Tacos blog post.
Great video! I think Baja ha Betty’s should take her act on the road. I haven’t seen that kind of brutality since Sam Kenison died.
I can’t wait to try the fish taco’s too. Thanks for another job well done.
Wow. Almost as brutal as some of the you-tube comment posters. But I’m glad Average Betty took it in stride, because I couldn’t help laughing so hard: With you Betty – not at you.
Miss stand-up does not know what she is talking about! Average BETTY IS ABOVE AVERAGE!If she keep’s running her pie hole,let me know.She will sleep with the fish, FUHGEDABOUDIT!
Scott Moorhouse
You just keep getting better and better Betty!
Hay there – has been a lit bit, but still a die hard fan!!! This act is tasty!! Will go great with my up n coming (get it) LOL post. Think will do something with Flipper!!
Keep Up The Great Work!!!
nice job..but geee…se that was tough..you must have hide like an elephant to have survived that..lots of laughs..oh yea..your recipe looks great..authentic, simple and exactly what I want
Haha! Thanks, Mike! :)