WATCH THE VIDEO! Let Sara from Average Betty show you a classic, tender scone recipe that you can transform to fit your tastes. Blueberry? Cranberry? Chocolate Chips? It's your call... Never dry, this Buttermilk Scones Recipe is the perfect canvas for all of your scone hopes and … [Read more...]
Buttermilk Scones Recipe
WATCH THE VIDEO! These Buttermilk Scones are the perfect canvas for all of your scone hopes and desires! Or in this case, Meyer lemon and blueberries. For further instruction and entertainment, watch How to Make Buttermilk Scones Video! Ingredients for Buttermilk Scones: 2 cups all … [Read more...]
How to Make Lemon Curd Video
WATCH THE VIDEO! Lemon Curd has a PR problem. I mean... let's face it, Curd is just an unfortunate name. I'm here to help. Watch the video! Don't miss a video... SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE! Get the Lemon Curd Recipe as seen in the video. … [Read more...]
Lemon Curd Recipe
WATCH THE VIDEO! If you remember the iScone -- my goodness, bless you! You may remember I did a Lemon Curd recipe a long time ago. Well, this Lemon Curd is so wonderful, it warrants a do-over. You know, minus the wigs and smartphones. I have updated a few ingredient quantities, but a lot has … [Read more...]
How to Make Lemon Blueberry Bread Video
WATCH THE VIDEO! If you're following along, you know I have a Meyer Lemon tree that makes Octomom look infertile! I've made Creamy Meyer Lemon Bars... and here's a Lemon Blueberry Bread. Please tell me, dear viewers, what other lemon recipes would you like to see?. Don't miss a video... … [Read more...]
Lemon Blueberry Bread Recipe
WATCH THE VIDEO! This bread is going to become my thing. You know, when I need to give someone a gift, I'm going to give them this Lemon Blueberry Bread. I want people to associate me with this bread. Because if they do, they are sure to like me better. It's really that delicious. … [Read more...]
How to Make Meyer Lemon Bars Video
WATCH THE VIDEO! As you might imagine, we were pretty excited to discover a hearty and healthy lemon tree in our new back yard. We were even more excited to learn that they are Meyer Lemons. Also as you might imagine, around here, they are called Maya Lemons ;) #babybetty These Meyer Lemon … [Read more...]