I'm heading to my home state of Florida to do a live cooking demo for the Idaho Potato Commission this weekend at Food and Wine Conference 2015. Jeff Houck currently of Locale Market, formerly Food Editor of The Tampa Tribune, and the first official newsman to report on Average Betty (belee … [Read more...]
Farberware New Traditions Cookware GIVEAWAY!
If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you know I did a live cooking demo last Thursday for the vibrant line of Farberware New Traditions Cookware. My co-host René Villalta and I had a great time making Potato Tacos with Caramelized Onions and Avocado Relish, Mexican Caesar Salad and Mango … [Read more...]
OC Fair 2010
Three of my nieces, Lauren, Gillian and Keely, came for a little visit this summer. Among other adventures, we picnicked in Venice Beach, hiked and soaked in the sun at Zuma, and made the obligatory trip to the mall. One of the highlights of our week was a day at the Orange County Fair! The OC … [Read more...]