How does Obama Girl like her burger? Like President Obama, she likes it cooked medium-well and topped with Cheddar cheese, lettuce and tomato. But you can hold the dijon mustard; Obama Girl likes mayo. How do you like your burger?
Betty is a lot like President Obama and Obama Girl. She likes her burger grilled medium-well with Cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, grilled red onion, mayo and mustard.
So Betty wants to know, how do you like your burger?
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Link to the Fast Food Five: NATPE 2009 (Part One) video.
Link to the Fast Food Five: NATPE 2009 blog post.
Recipe? Okay, more like a philosophy… but here are some Average Betty Burger Tips guaranteed to please Obama Girl and the 44th President of The United States:
1. A medium-well burger is when the internal temperature of the meat patty is 160° – 165° (F). Yeah, whatever. Who gets out a meat thermometer for a burger? More importantly, get your ingredients prepped and ready before you begin cooking so it’s a seamless production.
2. Betty likes a loosely packed, lean ground (4% fat) patty, about 1/2 inch thick.
3. After shaping into a patty just slightly larger than the bun, add a few cracks of fresh ground black pepper and a sprinkle of sea salt to the side to come in contact with the grill or griddle first. The salt will help to brown the meat and form a “crust” to seal in the juiciness.
4. Preheat your grill or griddle. Make sure it’s HOT, yo!
5. Betty’s total cooking time is about 4 minutes, flipping after two minutes.
6. Lay cheese slices immediately after the flip for maximum meltiness.
7. After laying the cheese, Betty (not Obama Girl) likes to add a 1/4″ thick wheel of grilled red onion on top of the cheese. This helps with the meltiness of the cheese, too. (BTW, Betty starts grilling the onion slice at the same time as the burger. One minute a side, yo!)
8. With one minute remaining, Betty grills both sides of her bun (her burger bun, yo!). No oil, no butter. Just get it a little toasty.
9. Betty applies mayonnaise to both sides of the bun and yellow mustard (not Obama Girl) to the bottom bun only.
10. Place hot patty atop bottom bun, add tomato slice (about 1/2″ thick) and a generous pile of lettuce (Betty likes Romaine). Add the bun top and pierce with cute heart-shaped tooth-pick to keep it all together. Enjoy!
Search terms: obama girl, obama girl burger recipe, cheeseburger recipe, best cheeseburger recipe, home made cheeseburger recipe, cheddar burger recipe, president obama burger recipe, how does obama like his burger
Obama Girl is hot but so is her burger. Medium-well? Yuck. A burger should not be more than medium. Medium rare is even better.
Americans eat too much red meat.
I like my burger with mayo, hot peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, bacon and swiss or cheddar cheese.
Or blue cheese, caramelized onions, field greens, bacon and mayo.
Or chicken burger, mayo, pickles, tomato and lettuce.
Bloody rare with melted cheddar, fresh young spinach and lettuce, tomato, and honeyed onions on whole wheat bread.
Hi John Boy! Obama Girl is not only hot, she’s super sweet and really smart ;)
Bezzie, You’re probably right. And we drink too much soda…
Hi Dez, MMM I love all your burger combinations especially the hot pepper addition. I’ve actually only had a bacon burger once and it was so sinfully delicious!
Lilly, Sounds fabulous. I love a burger on whole wheat too! And spinach? That’s practically health food ;)
Love y’all!
Medium rare, with American cheese, tomato, yellow mustard, pickles, red onion, and iceberg lettuce.
Or with a couple slices of bacon, cheddar cheese, grilled onions and barbecue sauce.
+1 to the above comment about medium-well. That’s like chewing on a hockey puck.
Wow betty thats a great looking burger. Props to Obama girl!!!
Gute Arbeit hier! Gute Inhalte.
I love that burger. I was on recipe searcher looking for the perfect burger to make for tonight’s big dinner.
Super recipe and burger technique you have here Betty. I would add one point to the perfect hamburger though and that is to let it rest after cooking. I give mine about 5 minutes (it will retain it’s heat so don’t worry). This allows the juices to reabsorb back into the burger leaving you with a more succulent and juicy bite. If you serve stright out of the pan into the bun the first thing you are going to experience upon your first bite is a wave of hot meat juices!
wow burger and girl both are owe some.
Obama Burger dilicious