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I recently had the opportunity to produce a video for a YouTube Kodak Print and Prosper ad campaign, and as part of the assignment I bought a deep fryer to make Corn Dogs! Check out the Kodak Channel and look for me — I’m the Corn Dogs!
Corn Dogs are sweet, crunchy, snappy, golden goodness! Nothing says FUN like a juicy wiener wrapped in delicate corn batter. Add a handy holding device and you’re ready to party! (Just ask any celebrity chef!) And don’t stop with meat wieners, use meatless hot dogs if you prefer, even zucchini!
Ingredients for Corn Dog Batter:
1 -1 1/4 cups buttermilk
1 egg
3-4 tbsp sugar (white or brown)
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 cup all purpose flour
2/3 cup cornmeal
hot dogs (any variety)
NOTE: Makes enough batter for 12 hot dogs, 24 mini-dogs.
Other Equipment
oil for frying
flour for dusting
skewers or sticks
C’mon little doggies!
Corn Dogs are best dipped in yellow mustard. Some people like ketchup… but I’m not one of them.
In a mixing bowl, combine buttermilk and egg. Start with one cup buttermilk, more may be added later if needed for consistency.
In a second mixing bowl, combine the dry ingredients. Adjust the amount of sugar to taste.
Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and add buttermilk and egg mixture.
Stir together until combined. Batter will be thick. Thicker than pancake batter. Thicker than cake batter. Add more buttermilk if batter is too thick but… you want it to be thick.
You don’t have to cut the hot dogs in half, but I like to.
When battering and frying anything, it is important to dredge in flour before dipping into batter. I am flouring the hot dog in the upper left hand corner… sorry, no photos this time. These are video stills :)
Mmmm. These corn dogs are gonna be good!
Deep fry in 365(F) oil until golden brown. You can see I’m test driving this deep fryer, but I would normally just use a big pot on the stove and a thermometer. Peanut oil worked beautifully for deep frying. It’s expensive, though.
There are two schools of thought on when to insert the stick into the hot dog. Some, fry corn dogs with the sticks inserted. Either standing at the oil, holding the stick as a cooking handle or, by throwing the dog, stick and all, right into the oil. I feel uncomfortable tossing wooden sticks into a vat of hot oil and so does the manufacturer of this deep fryer…
When Corn Dogs are golden, place on paper towels and sprinkle lightly with salt.
Insert sticks carefully. Serve immediately.
Search terms: food blog, recipe blog, corn dogs, corn dog recipe, corn dogs recipe, corn dog batter, corn batter recipe, hot dog, deep fry, deep fryer, hot dog on a stick, peanut oil for frying, youtube, you tube, averagebetty, kodak, print and prosper, overpayment calculator, video, recipe, ding dong
Link to the Corndogification blog post.
Link to the Ding Dong! Corn Dog! video.
Need some more ideas? Click an image for the complete recipe…
The Grilled Chicken Torta looks sooo good. Thanks for posting this corn dogs recipe.
I like to cook the foreign dishes alot but i donot know the name some food in afghanistan it can not fid it please show me some ways to me thank you so much
Definetely mustard w/ corn dogs. These look really good. I’ll have try it…
Wow!..these were really good and tasty…also very easy to prepare and make…thanx Betty…
Timmy! Thank you so much for trying my corn dog recipe and droppin’ by to tell me you liked them! Makes my day :)
I am trying this tomorrow for the wife and kids who fell in love with the video and pictures and are drooling over them now so much that they want me to cook them NOW ! But, it is late…no way. I will stop by and let you know what you already know….they will love them.
Awesome, Don! Your comment made my day :) Hope the Corn Dogs turn out great! I’d love to hear what you all think…
Hi!!! I come from Belgium and I discovered your site a few days ago!
I foud your site really funny and it’s with a great pleasure that i discovered all these recipes!!!
Good luck for the future! =D
Hi Audrey all the way from Belgium! Thank you so much for checking out my site and recipes – I’d love to know what you’re cooking or baking and if you have any requests! :)
I usually hate corn dogs, however, I have only tasted the store bought variety. These were so easy to make and boy were they DELICIOUS! I could not make these fast enough – the batter was perfection – everybody loved them (with mustard of course!)
omg you got a amazing website but i cant email a recipe link to my email i think its so easy because then you can save it and come back to a recipe to print it out :(
Betty, I have been going through your site quite some time now. I need some recipes for my childs birthday party coming up real soon. I found some interesting ones like this one, and the chocolate pudding. Thank you for the recipes. You’re awesome :)
thanks so much for such a great recipe! i posted to you here:
Just wanted to say that I made the corn dogs tonight for my family and they were a HUGE hit! Thank you so very much for the recipe!!