Do you ever wonder why coffee cake isn’t wildly popular like its liquid counterpart, coffee? There are coffee houses on every corner… So, why isn’t there a coffee cake house on every corner? Where is the coffee cake craze? Well, Betty has a new crumbdelicious coffee cake recipe that she will not let go unnoticed, so she’s hired some big guns to help get out the coffee cake message! Check out Thank You for Eating Coffee Cake and see for yourself!
Link to the Sour Cream Coffee Cake recipe.
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Link to the Thank You for Eating Coffee Cake video.
BIGTIME BETTY NEWS! Average Betty is featured on The MyTV Show on ManiaTV premiering April 24th from 9-10 PM PDT. The MyTV Show is being billed as “Saturday Night Live on ecstasy” and runs for 16 episodes Tuesday through Friday nights! Betty’s new friend, Kevin Rosa along with other independent producers of wild n’ crazy content and some cool music acts are also on the bill. Betty is going to roll out some never before seen bloopers and deleted scenes that you won’t want to miss!
COOL VIEWER SHOUTOUTS! There are some extra cool people out there who write to Betty to give her some feedback and keep in touch. Betty gives a big shout out to these special peeps: Russ the MacGeekGuy, Georgia from New Orleans, Mark the trekkerguy, Wayno from Wisconsin, Charlotte from Texas and Hugh from Ohio! Thanks for making Betty grin from ear-to-ear with your cool viewer feedback! Please write again soon ;)
Thanks for watching!
betty recipes
Your topic Thank You for Eating Coffee Cake – Average Betty was interesting when I found it on Saturday searching for betty recipes