Get the Classic Dinner Roll Recipe.
Wow. It’s the most wonderful time of the year… already. The mall display teams, who apparently control the calendar year, took us from Halloween to Christmas overnight. Who are these mall display people and what gives them the right to fast-forward life like a DVR? What happened to Thanksgiving? Sandwiched between the busiest travel day of the year and the biggest shopping day of the year is the humble holiday that celebrates “giving thanks” for the bounty of blessings over the past year. And if there is one thing we can all be thankful for, it’s family!
When Emo Betty returns home for the holidays, the mother-daughter emotional firestorm threatens to burn out-of-control. Fortunately, there is a new form of holiday anger management that might save Emo Betty and her Mother from spontaneous combustion: Stop, Drop and Dinner Roll! Can Stop, Drop and Dinner Roll! save the holidays? Watch Stop, Drop and Dinner Roll! to find out for yourself…
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Link to the Stop, Drop and Dinner Roll! video.
SPECIAL THANKS to Betty’s Mom for sharing all of her secrets and tips on making the Dinner Rolls featured in this episode! Betty’s Mom makes these every year for holiday dinners and they are always airy-light and delicious. Thanks, Mom!
On September 25, 2007, one of Average Betty’s dearest friends, John H, lost his Mother, Maribelle Hartshorn. Maribelle was amazing! She epitomized being a strong woman. She was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother and friend. Maribelle was loved by all that knew her and the love between her son, John; daughter, Donna; and grandchildren, Heather and Kristin, was unparalleled. Maribelle (seen above at her house in Big Bear) leaves behind a wonderful legacy to carry on and build on her traditions and values that helped mold her children and grandchildren into the generous, loving people that they are. This holiday season, Betty will keep Maribelle, and her family, in her heart and give thanks for the opportunity to have known such an incredible woman. The world needs more Maribelle’s. We miss you, Maribelle.
BREAKING BETTY NEWS! OMG! Betty received an early Holiday gift from iTunes! What could it be? A diamond necklace, a vacation to the French Riviera, or a new car with one of those giant bows? No way, even better! A front-page position in the exciting new “Learn to Cook” feature on the iTunes Podcasts home page! Check it out (and subscribe)! And if you have an iTunes account (and a giving Holiday spirit), please leave Betty a comment on her iTunes Store page!
Check this out! Have you seen Miro yet? Miro lets you turn your computer into an internet TV. It’s free and open-source, because open media matters! Check out Miro, subscribe to Betty’s channel and pick up a cool T-shirt designed by Dan Funderburgh!
Vu Goes Vegan is a videoblog about “veganism from a meat-eater’s perspective.” Vu Bui has taken on the two month challenge (during the hardest two months of the year if you ask Betty!) of being, doing… living the vegan lifestyle. If you’ve ever thought about it yourself, but haven’t had the meatballs, live vicariously through Vu.
COOL VIEWER SHOUT-OUTS! Betty thanks all of the super cool people that watch, vote, write and comment to enrich the Average Betty community, especially those that give feedback and keep in touch! Like scott m, Scoobydoodt, Harsha :) , wonderment , Phil S, langley, Alex , Rebecca, Paul B, Nixy M, jackie c, michelle d, jason, jesapdrake, Daylin, Larry V, Dr. Freemanstein, ivegotbignuts, Apella, Krysti B, sihui from Singapore and last but not least… Kathy & Miles.
The very awesome Rebecca Gerendasy from Cooking Up A Story sent Betty some beautiful photos of her Butternut Squash Soup! Rebecca wrote, “omg, it’s SO GOOD!! I put on my cookin’ music and got to work, and by the time it was done, well, I found a new love. Thanks for the recipe, Betty, it’s my new favorite!!” Thank you, Rebecca for the beautiful photos!
And Betty wants to hear from YOU! Leave Betty a comment and tell her what’s on your mind!
Thanks for watching!
Have a happy Thanksgiving “Super Star”!
Hey Jackie! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving too!
Super Star? Not yet… but I’m working on it!
How would you convert this dinner roll recipe to bake a loaf of bread? thanks
I have made 6″ loafs for sandwiches with this recipe, no modifications to the recipe needed. Instead of forming into golf balls, roll into logs with the same diameter as a golf ball. Bake on a baking sheet instead of roll pan.
For something similar, but more of a sliced bread, try this recipe:
Roll and shape the dough in the same manner described but leave out the cinnamon sugar swirl. You can use all white all-purpose flour instead of wheat. This will give you more of a sliced bread instead of a roll. Hope this helps! :)