For most people, the comedy club is a great place to enjoy an evening of live entertainment. But if you’ve ever destroyed a career on a comedy club stage, or (even worse) been publicly annihilated by a comic, then you know the comedy club can be a horrific place!
Just ask Average Betty, who’s about to find out the hard way that stand-up comedians can be ruthless and will stop at nothing for a laugh, including attacking the innocent, paying customers. Will Average Betty survive a vicious assault from the freshest talent on the comedy scene, Baja-Ha Betty? Or will Average Betty’s ego get fried to a crisp and eaten like a fish taco? Watch Baja-Ha Fish Tacos to find out…
Link to the Baja Fish Tacos recipe.
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Link to the Baja-ha Fish Tacos video.
BETTY NEEDS YOU! Would you help a Betty out, yo? You can by taking the Average Betty Audience Survey. Taking this super-short survey helps Betty learn about the show audience and gather the info she needs to attract sponsors! With sponsorship, Betty might finally be able to stick it to The Man and quit her day job so she can make more Average Betty episodes!
Google, Virgin and Betty! Average Betty has joined the ranks of Google and Virgin as the culinary expert in their latest quest, Project Virgle. Virgin founder, Richard Branson, and Google co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, will lead hundreds of users to the first permanent human colony on Mars. And Betty will be there… boldly going where no online cooking show host has gone before… serving up new and delicious recipes featuring the locally abundant algae! Join Team Betty and Project Virgle today!
Daryl Hannah and Average Betty have a lot in common!
Betty got a note from Dave in Tallahassee, Florida who shared the story of his neighborhood’s first movie night.
Dave writes, “Compared to most neighborhoods in the north of Florida, the folks who live in the 100 or so households in my little corner of the planet know each other very well and enjoy spending time together. We have pot luck suppers, camp outs, parties and all sorts of miscellaneous fun. We did the first [movie night] this past Saturday in our dance hall… We watched a bit of a Daryl Hannah podcast on nutritional fasting. Next came a video about our community that was shot about 9 years ago by a traveling documentary filmmaker… After that, we screened a feature and finished the evening with your excellent Alfredo piece. It was quite creamy! Your short got more applause than the feature. Thanks for your work. Average Betty rocks.” Thanks for the note, Dave! It made Betty’s day. You and your neighbors rock!
Does a Bowlingballoutofheaven hurt?
No, it actually feels pretty good! Who is bowlingballout? Joseph from California! Joseph’s says this video (above) was inspired by Betty, and he writes “from what I can gather, I’m just an appreciative fan, I’m not a stalker LOL… stalking is uncool, illegal and takes way too much time.” Betty’s down with that, Joseph, and she loves your video! You’re no stalker… yet! Just one heck of a cool dude. Check out Joseph’s other cool videos, artwork and animation on his YouTube channel.
Sunday Favorites
The very creative Jennifer from Maryland describes herself as “Archivist. Knitter. Snarky.” Well, Betty’s cupcake was honored to appear in a collage of Jennifer’s Sunday Favorites. What a cool batch of random things… and how sweet that Betty’s cupcake is included. Thanks, Jennifer, for the crazy cool collage!
Thanks for watching!
bobby says
Hi! Nice site! Where is a add to favorite button& ;)
ivan ans Kris says
We enjoyed the antics a lot! oops..I cut my finger while chopping onions and the they got all red. We put the onions in the refrigerator and sprinkled cashew nuts all over it, but Ivan liked it anyway I wish we followed your instructions !!!!!!!!!! ours was finger licking umm..well not too good.. Ivan and Kris ;0)