WATCH THE VIDEO! Do I fit the stereotype of crazy pregnant woman that craves pickles and ice cream at midnight? Have I become pregzilla with bizarre food requests... or not? Watch the video to get the latest on my Baby Food Cravings! Pregnant or not - what are your food cravings? Here's a … [Read more...]
Oh, choosing a baby name! As they say, there's a lot in a name. After all... you and the baby have to live with it for the rest of your lives. But, choosing a baby name is just the first in a long line of decisions. Did you suggest a baby name for our little betty? Here are my thoughts on … [Read more...]
As you may already know, I made a Little VERY BIG Announcement a couple weeks ago. Thanks to all of you who played along and made guesses as to whether I'm having a BOY or a BETTY. Well, the wait is over to find out... Watch the video! Don't miss a video... SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE! … [Read more...]