Here's another recipe I developed for the movie Brave and Disney Magic of Healthy Living. Making hummus is a little like choosing your own destiny the way Merida does in the movie Brave. You can use a garbonzo bean, black bean or white bean base -- or you can try edamame to get that Highland … [Read more...]
Merida’s Bullseye Bisque
Here's another recipe I developed for the movie Brave and Disney Magic of Healthy Living. Super foods like carrots and yams support good eye health and vision. Want to have an eagle eye like Merida? Try Merida’s creamy and comforting Bullseye Bisque! Head over to Babble and check out my … [Read more...]
Merida’s Mini Cakes
Here's another recipe I developed for the movie Brave and Disney Magic of Healthy Living. Even the healthiest of diets allow for a treat now and then. As they say, "Everything in moderation. Including moderation." And because these mini sponge cakes are topped with fresh fruit, they are the best … [Read more...]
Brave Black Bread
Here's another recipe I developed for the movie Brave and Disney Magic of Healthy Living. I know making homemade bread can be intimidating. But this Magical Black Magical Black Bear Bread is way less intimidating and far less scary than Mor’du, the Black Bear in the movie Brave. I promise … [Read more...]
Oatmeal Applesauce Brave Bites
Everyone has a doppelganger somewhere, right? Mine is Merida from the movie Brave. As soon as trailers for the movie appeared, I was sent photos of the red-headed, fireball of a Disney princess, at an alarming rate. So when Disney Magic of Healthy Living asked if I'd like to develop a few … [Read more...]