If making eggs on the grill sounds more like a culinary mess than masterpiece, just remember the old, wise expression, “There’s more than one way to grill an egg!”
That is how that one goes, right?
I don’t know why grilling eggs didn’t come into my life sooner.
And if you’re not grilling eggs, you should be.
Besides all the fun you can have grilling up breakfast, can you imagine grilling up eggs to top the burgers at your next back yard barbecue?
If you aren’t into fried eggs — scramble them. Throw in some veggies and cheese and make a grilled omelette.
Get the Grilled Eggs Recipe at SafeEggs.com.
For added instruction, entertainment and tips watch the video!
Davidson’s Safest Choice Eggs are pasteurized, so you can enjoy recipes like these Grilled Eggs, with runny yolks, fear-factor free.
The Average Betty Test Kitchen developed this video recipe on behalf of Davidson’s Safest Choice Eggs.
Safest Choice sources eggs from vegetarian-fed hens that are hormone and antibiotic free, from USDA certified and inspected Kosher certified farms.
The Davidson’s Safest Choice all-natural egg pasteurization process eliminates the risk of salmonella in eggs before the eggs even enter your kitchen.
For more great recipes using Davidson’s Safest Choice Eggs, check out the Safe Eggs Recipe Center. Follow on Facebook for news and coupons.